User Instructions

krosno ciężarkowe, rys. M. Jagodzińska, pieczęć z grobu tolosowego A w Aghia Triada, przerys M. Jagodzińska za CMS II.1. 64 a

Query for a single attribute

By choosing a single attribute from the scrolling lists in fields: ‘Type of impressed tool/type of marked tool’, ‘Form’ and ‘Context dating’, and pressing the ‘Find’ button, all textile tools characterised by the chosen attribute will be displayed as results. The results represent the number of tools in the T&S database that contains this particular attribute.

Query for multiple attributes

It is possible to search for multiple attributes in one query by adding more attributes from the scrolling lists in fields: ‘Type of impressed tool/type of marked tool’, ‘Form’, ‘Context dating’, and pressing the ‘Find’ button. For example, if ‘Loom weight’ in ‘Type of impressed tool/type of marked tool’ and ‘Pyramidal truncated’ in ‘Form’ fields are selected together, all pyramidal truncated loom weights that are in the T&S database will be displayed as query results. Queries can be further pre-defined by choosing a site in the ‘Site’ field (single choice from the scrolling list). Fields ‘Use-wear’, ‘Seal-impressed’ and ‘Other markings’ allow ‘Yes’ or ‘No‘ choices. When ‘Yes‘ is chosen, the results display, respectively, tools with recorded use-wear, tools impressed by seals or marked by other markings. By choosing multiple choices from the scrolling lists in the fields ‘Type of impressed tool/type of marked tool’ and ‘Form’, the results will show all textile tools with the chosen features. For example, by choosing ‘Spherical’ and ‘Cylindrical’ in the ‘Form’ field, the results will show all textile tools in the T&S database, which are spherical or cylindrical in form (23 results).

The query with ‘OR instead of AND’ option

The ‘AND’ conjunction is chosen automatically for multiple queries in the ‘Context dating’ field. By choosing an inclusive disjunction ‘OR’, multiple choices from the scrolling lists are possible for this fields. For example, by choosing the ‘OR’ disjunction and ‘MBA II’ ‘OR‘ ‘MBA III’ in the ‘Context dating’ field, the results will show all textile tools in the T&S database, which are dated to Middle Bronze Age II or III phases.

Exporting query results

All query results can be exported to an Excel file by pressing the ‘Export’ button. The exported file contains a table comprising all textile tools characterised by the attributes preselected in the query. Records are referred to by table cells in rows. Columns correspond to the fields in the T&S database: A=‘ID no.’, B=‘Inventory no.’, C=‘Object reference’, D=‘Site’, E=‘Arachne link or bibliographic reference’, F=‘Type of impressed tool’, G=‘Form’, I=‘Context dating’, Q=‘Number of impressions’ and R=‘Other markings’. Columns H and I–P describe functional characteristics of a tool: its use-wear, weight, dimensions and preservation percentage. When the search is not predefined, the exported Excel file will contain all records from this module of the T&S database.

Main data fields in the module Seal-impressed textile tools

Data fields identifying the toolData fields identifying the impressed seal(s) or markingsData fields identifying functionality of the tool
Object reference[CMS no.] in the object referenceForm of tool
Inv. no.Type of sealPreservation in %
MuseumType of markingUse-wear
SitePhoto of the mark(s)Weight (g)
Arachne link or bibliographic referencePhoto of the impressed seal face(s)Reconstructed weight (g)
ContextMaximum diameter (mm)
Context datingMaximum height (mm)
Type of toolMaximum thickness (mm)
Type of fabricMaximum width (mm)
Photo of the textile toolMaximum diameter of perforation(s)
Remarks for context and datingRemarks

Authors: A. Ulanowska and K. Żebrowska